Yesterday the day was too hot for great fishing on Henrys Lake, so on my way home I was taking pictures of some birds. Many of the old Bluebird nest boxes have been taken over by Tree Swallows. But a new one had been placed on a pole and the Mountain Bluebirds had a nest of babies there. The male was guarding the nest while the female came in with some food for the young.
One of the pair would stay perched on the house while the other went for food.
Once when both left for food, a Tree Swallow came and landed on the nest box. It appeared that its mate
tried to tell it that the box was occupied.
They actually got into a fight with them locking bills and the aggressor clawing the other with its feet.
But the swallow wanting the nest box was not convinced until it was attacked by the male bluebird.
The battle was claw and bill combat, but I was unable to stop the action or catch up to them. But the male continued to fly sorties around the nest box.
He finally landed as the female brought in some food for the babies.
He stayed guard until the babies were fed and the female left the nest box.
This battle over a home between the bluebirds and the swallows happened three times while I watched for a half an hour.
Just another experience in the wilds of Idaho.